Monday, September 26, 2011

Listen, listen, listen

Sirach 12:7-8: "Before investigating, find no fault; examine first, then criticize.
"Before hearing, answer not, and interrupt no one in the middle of his speech."

Proverbs 18:13: "He who answers before he hears, his is the folly and the shame."

All good journalists know these proverbial words of wisdom from experience.
You've got to be a keen listener to be a good interpreter.
So, how many times have we failed to listen and learn before we respond?
Sometimes it's easier to interrupt someone else's opinions before they're through talking.
Of course, in the midst of a debate, one must bite his tongue before tongue lashing.
They key to being a good speaker is being a good listener.
Formulating a response with earnest sincerity requires hearing all that's said, digesting the significance and then espousing an opinion.
One garners respect when one listens, listens, listens. Respects the opinion of the speaker. Then, responds with contemplative rejoinder.
It's easy to be a mouth that roared.
But how many of us want our opinion to speak louder.
You're never going to change someone else's opinion until you've allowed them all due respect.
Critical analysis should be sagely phrased and succintly stated.
So, listen before you speak.

1 comment:

  1. Dear David, your writing is so wonderful. When I read it I hear your voice in my head saying your beautiful sentences. I will try and be a better listener because you have called me to that so clearly.
