Thursday, October 18, 2012

I Hop to Waffle House

Whenever adversity strikes, I hop to Waffle House!
In the early days of my homelessness, I found myself sleeping in a field.
Whenever it rained I hopped to Waffle House, where they fed me.
Whenever a skunk, Pepe LePew, gnawed his way into my tent, I hopped to Waffle House and they gave me coffee and a safe place to hang out.
Whenever I had to dodge rain drops last weekend and await my Sunday cleanup of Razorback Stadium, I hopped to Waffle House on Dickson and stayed there all night drinking coffee.
So, the moral of the story is: if you need a safe haven, you can go to Waffle House and you'll be in the International House of Passion (IHOP).

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Legend died

Sadly "Beano" Cook died today at the age of 83.
I remember when he predicted Arkansas would win the national football championship the year after the Razorbacks upended Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl.
He brought Hog fans into a feverish frenzy.
The Razorbacks were the cover boys of Sports Illustrated.
Alas, that cover jinx hexed the Hogs who didn't fulfill the nirvana dreams we had hoped for.
Kind of reminds me of this year's preseason hype and hoopla.
I thought it was intriguing that Beano never married.
His first love was sports and reporting about it and commenting about it.
He was a lovable man who exuded enthusiasm.
He also was a quick quipster.
When baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn offered lifetime passes to the freed hostages from Iran, Beano jested: "Haven't they suffered enough!"
He will be missed.