Saturday, November 26, 2011

Eureka, I found it!

"Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see." -- John Newton, "Olney Hymns." (1779). "Amazing Grace"

What once was lost, i.e., my billfold with all of my identification cards and pertinent parts of my personality, was missing this morning when I awoke.
So, I retraced my steps and rediscovered my identity.
Sometimes we foolishly fall asleep rather than trudge home.
My favorite place to take a respite is still my secret hiding spot.
So, I arose like the phoenix and went from despair to tranquillity this morning.
That's the beauty of life. One moment I was depressed and wondering, "Why, me?"
Then I used logic and traversed to my secret sleeping spot and was transformed from despair to a safe haven of regeneration.
Sometimes we take for granted the important things in life. And then when we lose them we realise how important they really are.
I was worrying about having to replace my library card, Social Security card, photo ID and then I used my little brain cells to relocate my valuables.
As one of my homeless buddies told me after he heard my story, "Everything I own is in my billfold."
Once my father said in church after he'd lost his billfold, "I lost my personality."
I'm just glad I was the first one to find what I'd lost.
Amazing grace can rejuvenate our souls in more was than one.
Thank God for his grace in our lives!

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