Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Trust in the Lord

Proverbs 3: 5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."
So, whom do you trust?
Once while camping out a friend, Duane, went to all of the "neighbors" and gave me a glowing recommendation as to being a trustworthy soul.
He told them to not harass me and to let me enjoy their camaraderie.
Albeit, that was a cool Welcome Wagon greeting that made me feel special.
I echoed his sentiments at Seven Hills Homeless Shelter. I opined that I could be trusted.
Well, gadzooks! One camper told me he didn't trust anyone, and sometimes not even himself.
A few months later after word filtered out that I was working on writing a book, this same dude laughingly told me I could write two chapters on his life and times.
Then we started cussing and discussing about all the people who had died during his seven-year tenure as a tentsman.
He said there had been 20 something unfortunates who perished while camping.
One had a seizure and fell into his camp fire.
I've strayed from my focus on trusting but the Lord can be trusted moreso than trusting other humans or even our own understanding.
In all ways we must accept his grace when we stray from the paths of righteousness.
In other words, you can't live a straight forward life if you think crooked thoughts.
Read the Bible daily. Garnish wisdom from His Holy Words and follow through with a straight face and a straight lifestyle.
Do the right thing. Think the right thoughts. Pray for guidance and wisdom. And He will lead you through the vicissitudes with a long and happy life filled with the blessings He will bestow on His "chosen" people.
Or as Spock spoke on "Star Trek": Live long and prosper.
With God's grace we can live longer and prosper more.

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